Wednesday, April 22, 2009

March Madness Group Photos!!!

So, if you haven't already heard, I passed my mega orals exam!!! (See the previous post for a description of the horror....) After properly celebrating, and then choosing to do absolutely nothing constructive with my brain for a few evenings, I've started going through all the photos from spring break (affectionately referred to as "March Madness"). I'll get the rest up soon, but tonight I grabbed a bunch of the best group shots and uploaded them to an online Picasa album. A few of my favorites are below...

Visiting Rocky Mountain National Park

Can you find all 9?

Yup, 9 of us in one 4Runner. It saved us entrance fees!!!

Red Rocks rockers.

Rocking out!!!

Still a band.... We're all playing a different instrument. I think Mark's playing his mouth.

After the Celestial Seasonings factory tour, sporting our spiffy hair (and beard) nets

Be bold!

I see one flower that doesn't want to blossom...

Ready for liftoff

Ready for sledding (after it snowed a foot and a half overnight)

Ready for cozy bookstores and pancakes!

More to come....